As parents get older, they tend to slow down in most things. Of course, this isn’t always the case. Some parents remain mobile and active well into their golden years. But for many, as they age, they begin to experience a decline in their physical abilities. Seeing it firsthand can be difficult for their family, especially their adult children.
After all, we want our parents to be happy and healthy, and it’s hard to see them struggling.
But what can we do?
At The Manor Village Life Centres, there are many options to keep your parents active, and in case their mobility could be better, there are also on-hand mobility specialists at your parents’ disposal to help rehabilitate troublesome joints or muscles. From where we’re standing, mobility issues are something to work through, not an excuse to rely on; we’re focused on reminding our residents that staying active is not only possible, but it can even be comfortable.
Increased Mobility & Independence One of the best things about being mobile and active is that it helps us stay independent. As we age, it’s vital to maintain our independence as much as possible. By being mobile and active, we can do just that. Staying mobile and active helps us maintain an independent standard of living in our golden years. No matter where you go, retirement homes with independent living in Calgary encourage seniors to be as mobile and active as possible. Having specialists on-hand ensures your parents keep creaky joints at bay, before they become a problem.
Improved Mental Health Moving around and getting active is great for our mental health, too. When we’re active, we feel good mentally and emotionally. We’re happier and more positive, and we have a better outlook on life. This is definitely something to strive for as we age. By being active, we can improve our mental health and make life a little bit brighter.
Stronger Bones & Muscles As we age, it’s important to keep our bones and muscles strong. This helps us stay mobile and independent, and it also helps reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Bones and muscles that are strong and healthy are less likely to break or strain. So, by being mobile and active, exploring our surroundings, we’re actually doing something good for our bodies. As the saying goes, “use it or lose it!”
Socialization One of the best things about being active is that it helps us socialize. When we’re out and about, we meet new people and make new friends. This is a great way to stay connected and engaged in the world. It’s also a great way to stay healthy and active socially. In their old age, your parents would love to continue doing things they love and meet new friends, which anyone can accomplish through independent living.
Increased Life Expectancy One of the best things about being mobile and active is that it helps your parents live longer. Studies have shown that those who are active and mobile tend to live longer than those who are not. This is definitely something to keep in mind as we age. By being active and mobile, we can extend our lifespan and enjoy life a little bit longer.
Repeatedly encouraging our parents to be mobile and active is well worth the effort. There are many benefits to being mobile and active, and these are just a few of them. Independent living in Calgary encourages seniors to be as mobile and active as possible and galvanizing your parents could be the last nudge they need to prioritize healthy movement. By being active, we can improve our mental health, strengthen our bones and muscles, socialize, and increase our life expectancy. Keep moving, and rest assured that we keep evolving our mobility programs to optimize mobility.